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Tis the week before Christmas

Dear Yoga friend,

I have created two new courses with you in mind. They are called "Find your Yoga groove" , a  program with 21, ten minutes classes to get you going, or if you want a no dog pose more gentle start, then "Gentle Yoga" 4 x 15minutes would suit you perfectly.... there really is ...always a way.

You will find these in the course page at the top ready and waiting.

Until I return from India in February , I encourage you to continue your Yoga habit with me here. There are more  than 50 courses to choose from, and I would love you to maintain (or begin )  prioritising time for your healthy self.

Starting small and growing your Yoga habit  is a great way to develop life long habits to support your life.

Much Yoga love to you 

and I look forward to seeing your soon x

Susan Kelly

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