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Welcome to the new year

Dear Yoga friends,

welcome to your new year and I hope you had a wonderful festive time. My festival time was BIG and BOLD and taught me many things about some of the challenges involved in keeping Yoga close when you are on the road.

I discovered a whole range of maintenance movements to keep my mind and body feel okay when there was no time or space to practice except in a sloping lumpy camp bed ... OH my goodness what a test of the flexibility of my mind that was !

There was food, there was family there was festival and there was fun...

It was great for me to step out of my ordered and organised life... and practice accepting change on a daily basis... it was a challenge and I loved it.

Looking forward, I'm excited to connect again with you and support your health by bringing Yoga to your life.

If there is anything in particular you need a class on, please drop me a line and I'll do my very best to come up with a class.

Much love in health and happiness for 2023


PS. I'm happy to say Poppy has made it into the new year too x

Susan Kelly

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